It did my heart good to look down a long line and see people, who call Redemption their church, putting together their own Redemption Care Package for those who are experiencing homelessness. It was such a beautiful sight–the love going into the packages and the potentiality of the good that can come from it. This is an embodiment of Colossians 3:12 when it says… 

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

We are a compassionate people, we are kind, and God is making us more humble as we interact with gentleness and patience towards all. And for that, we are thankful. 

Here are a few thoughts as you consider who to give your Redemption Care Package to…

  1. Be Prayerful. While this sounds so simple, we often neglect its importance in the small things we do each day. Last year, one lady from our church rode around with her package in her car for days praying about who she should give it to. Ultimately, the Spirit nudged her and she gave it to a person in need. So…pray, and listen. 

  2. Be Discerning. Not all people who look homeless actually are. Homelessness has many different faces and appearances, and it takes discernment to distinguish. Also, I would never suggest putting yourself in a precarious situation by approaching someone who looks agitated, or is exhibiting aggressive or strange behavior. Know your surroundings and understand, to the extent you can, the situation you are observing. Then, if it seems like the right situation, politely give your package to the individual. Remember: never give money, and never take someone somewhere. That is not your job.

  3. Be Respectful. Words and actions matter more than we sometimes give them credit for. Instead of walking up to someone and expecting that they want something from you, ask instead if they would be ok with you giving them something on this hot day to help them out. Don’t assume they will be comfortable talking to you, because they might or might not be. 

  4. Be Realistic. This care package isn’t going to end homelessness. Nor is it going to solve all the needs of the individual you are giving it to. What it does do is allow them to be seen that day. It gives them a bit of encouragement, and it gives them the opportunity to read about resources for help. It allows them to engage with a Christian. It provides some small help physically. In many contexts, can sustain someone for a bit longer. You do not have to know all the answers. You are loving someone who needs it, and that is enough.

  5. Be Encouraged. God takes care of the birds and feeds them. In a similar way, He is using you to sustain and care for some of his lost children who have wandered far away from home. And the love that pursued you, and gave you new life, is pursuing them. 

The person before you that you are about to give a package to isn’t a problem to be solved, but a person to be loved. So...love well brother and sister. Be Jesus. And enjoy the journey. 




Sabbath: Finding Rest In a Weary World