Community + Global


In response to the needs in our community, and God’s heart for the nations, we build global partnerships and facilitate opportunities to participate in God’s mission of blessing the nations in Christ. Redemption Gilbert participates in many ways with programs and partnerships around the city, nation and globe but we have an intentional focus with our CLOSE | NEAR | FAR initiatives.


In an effort to engage the lost in our own neighborhoods and town, Redemption has partnered with Alpha to create spaces where intentional conversations and meaningful dialogues are pursued concerning life’s greatest questions. This happens over a shared meal at a local restaurant. There is a presentation of a topic and then, we listen. We listen to the perspectives, the pains, and the hurts of those we break bread with. To love is to listen, and to share. Everyone is welcome, and no questions are off limits.


If you wanted to get to Jesus in the first century, you would have to walk through the crowds of people suffering physically, financially, and spiritually to get to him. They truly were the least, last and lost of society. With a heart of compassion, each summer our church partners with other non-profits and the town of Gilbert to provide relief from the oppressive heat. During the summer, we provide on our campus a physically safe place for those struggling to lay their head. We lovingly listen and encourage these neighbors and work closely with other non profits to provide access to meaningful services that are needed to overcome many of their obstacles.


There is an orphan crisis around the world. Children who have lost parents, been abandoned by parents, or been taken out of dangerous environments, are in need of stable homes and loving families. This issue is very near to us. Arizona has a massive foster care crisis, with thousands of children in the foster care system. The state simply does not have enough homes to care for them all and they are asking for the church’s help.

Redemption’s unified Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoption ministry helps to mobilize and support families across all ten congregations who are caring for kids through foster care, kinship placements, and adoption.

God has a big heart for adoption — it’s a key part of the gospel (Eph 1:5) and the church is called to care especially for orphans (James 1:27).


WeReconcile is a new non-profit that brings separated adult children and their fathers together through a healing journey of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Started by Marcus Doe, a pastor from Redemption Tucson, WeReconcile is helping to break the generational cycles of emotional, social, and relational discord.


The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 2:1-3: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.”

In a desire to live out this scripture we have embraced the brokenness and beauty of Washington, D.C. as we meet with, and pray for,  our legislators and governmental leaders. At the same time, we have partnered with the ONE Campaign to advocate for the poorest of the poor in Africa with the focus on alleviating extreme poverty and providing life saving drugs in the ongoing fight against HIV/Aids. God has appointed leaders and governments, and He has created His children to be a light to those who have unique influence and responsibility.


Tanalian Bible Camp exists to come alongside the Bible-believing churches in rural Alaska by providing an opportunity for evangelism, discipleship, and Christian fellowship through camping, conferences, retreats, and Biblical education.

Our next trip to Alaska will be July 11th-22nd! You can sign up here.


Over the years our church has quietly supported the leadership and ministry of a network of Gospel-proclaiming churches throughout Italy. These brothers and sisters live out their faith in beautiful ways in a land rich with church history, but this same land has also been scared over the decades by unbelief.

These relationships have also provided us with a unique opportunity to support the hard work of ministry in the Central African Republic working with Christian educators who are living out the good news by teaching, protecting, and equipping vulnerable children.


Help One Now empowers families in developing countries through their business launch program, education, and restorative care. We are honored to be invited to the table and have the opportunity to come alongside such incredible leaders and support their efforts! Together, we can help end extreme poverty.

Help One Now has been partnering with pastors in Haiti and in the US to create a prayer guide to help us move in solidarity with our Haitian siblings as they weather another season of crisis. We’ve also been raising money for relief efforts specifically focused on securing access to clean water.

Below is a visual prayer guide resource as a way to connect raw humanity and to radical faith present within this current Haitian crisis. The hope is that this guide can lead to deep prayer and reflection which will the lead to continued action and then back to prayer.