We’re so glad you’re here and it is our desire to help you get connected with all that is Redemption Church Gilbert! Please click and fill out the form below and we’ll be in contact you with more information about helpful next steps to connecting to life here at Redemption Church Gilbert.
Begin building relationships that will help make Redemption Church Gilbert your home and connect with others on the same journey!
Our adult discipleship team would love to invite you to be part of a four-week Launch Point Community. During our time together you will have opportunity to meet new people, get to know pastors and leaders of various ministries, get answers to all your questions and discuss various ways you can connect to life at Redemption Church Gilbert.
We believe that those who have placed their faith in Jesus are knit together as one body, the Church, as a distinctive community of faith. Church membership is a covenant we make to one another aligning ourselves with the mission, doctrine, and values we hold here at Redemption Gilbert. If you're interested in becoming a member, join us for the next membership class!
Baptism, is an outward expression of this inward transformation. It symbolically portrays a Believers identification with the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It proclaims to all that we have died to our old self and now live in the freedom of new life in Christ as a forgiven child of God and devoted follower of Jesus.
“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. “—Romans 6:4
Baptism follows the example set by Jesus, found in Mark 1:9. Our new life with new priorities and passions expressed in ministry also begins with an act of obedience in being baptized.
The Pre-Marriage Course is our version of premarital counseling. It is an opportunity for you to invest in your relationship through five in-person sessions created to help you to learn to communicate well, understand and appreciate your differences, and prepare for potential challenges.
We pray always, we pray big, and we pray with confidence because our God is able to do more than we ask or think. The Prayer Team and Redemption Gilbert Staff would love the opportunity to pray over and join you in your prayer requests!
Surge school is a core part of our discipleship program here at Redemption Gilbert that spans eight months (September - April) with emphasis on developing a biblical worldview, how the gospel impacts you personally and the world around you. Surge School is a training tool designed to give you biblical lenses to see your life in the context of the greater work that God is doing in creation and also the specific work that God is doing in you to be a blessing to the world around you. Email summermontoya@redemptionaz.com or visit surgenetwork.com to learn more.